Deployment & Integration
If spending your days handling all the processes involved in getting new software or hardware up and running properly in its environment, including installation, configuration, running, testing, and making every necessary change is what you thrive on, enjoy! If you are like 99% of the rest of the IT world, this is not the best use of your time.

Every company needs a carefully balanced infrastructure—workstations, network, and storage configuration. Unified deployment and integration services help you find the best balance to ensure a satisfactory user experience, adhere to IT standards, and manage your financial parameters.
We excel at both customized integrations as well as delivering pre-configured combinations of hardware and software, ready to install in your IT environment. Our goal? Minimal downtime through a deployment plan designed to speed integration into your environment, all with full support and oversight by Unified. We measure twice with you so that we can install once. Trouble free and dependably.

You can reduce pressure on your staff, stay on schedule, roll out solutions to multiple locations and diminish risk with Unified’s configuration services. Whether it’s dozens, hundreds or thousands, new devices are a bear to configure. Be it assembly or software installation or network configuration, you can take up way too many staff hours just to get off the ground. Rather than chew into profits by sacrificing key staff time, have your devices be plug and play, right out of the box.
Unified configures thousands of devices and can have yours configured to your exact specifications in short order. Don’t waste time with one more dead on arrival device. Let Unified custom configure for you.