How to Succeed in Reddit Marketing

To succeed on Reddit, your brand’s tone matters. Go personal and don’t be afraid to get emotional – this will help you win over Redditors and receive upvotes. In addition to getting attention, Reddit offers businesses a unique opportunity to tap into relevant conversations. For example, if your brand offers a service for dogs, you should use the subreddit named after your pet, so that people can talk about it.

Subreddits of Reddit

When it comes to promoting your content on Reddit, there are a few subreddits to consider. Subreddits are categorized into several different categories, and each subreddit focuses on a specific topic. To get more traffic and promote your content effectively, it’s a good idea to stick to those subreddits that are relevant to your audience. You can find lists of popular subreddits on Statista. For example, the /r/funny subreddit has the most subscribers. Next in line are the /r/pics subreddit.

Another effective way to use Reddit for marketing is to make a community page and subscribe to alerts whenever certain keywords and phrases are used. This way, you can engage in conversations about important topics and product types. You can find these communities by browsing the default front page or following recommended communities. Other communities you can discover by conducting a Google search are smaller, niche communities. You can also post questions or write comments to help answer questions.

Promoted posts on Reddit

There are two types of ads on Reddit, promoted posts and display ads. Promoted posts look like organic user-submitted Reddit content, but contain an “ad” tag and internal and external clickthrough links. Reddit classifies links that lead outside the site as Link Ads, while text ads link within the site. Here are some tips to get the most out of your ad on

To make sure your ad gets noticed by Reddit users, you should first understand how the site is set up. Subreddits are communities where users join based on their interests and subscribe to rules. Owners and moderators of subreddits can block users who break the rules. Using this strategy, your ad can get seen by a large number of people, but you need to understand the community before advertising on Reddit.

Native ads on Reddit

After making the switch from programmatic advertising to native advertising, Reddit is making it easier to reach users who want to hear what you have to say. The new ads, known as Conversation Placement, are displayed in comment threads between the original post and the first comment. You can now buy ads on the Reddit self-serve ad platform or through Reddit’s sales channels. You can target users based on interests, location, device, and time of day.

To get started, you need to know how to create an ad on Reddit. Reddit offers you a variety of options, including targeting by interests, location, devices, and communities. You can also target users on desktop, mobile, or both. Reddit also offers the ability to create ad groups so you can target users who are more likely to respond to your ad. You can also set budgets for each ad, which can be set for both ad groups and campaigns.

Advertising on Reddit in 2021

There are many benefits of advertising on Reddit. For starters, the site has a massive, passionate audience that is willing to engage with brands. Additionally, Reddit is more granular than other social media platforms. Instead of trying to reach the vast majority of users, make it a point to engage with specific subreddits. Users are also often looking for solutions to their problems, and brands can help them find the answers they’re looking for.

To get a higher engagement rate, consider experimenting with text ads. Similar to promoted posts, text ads can include multiple links and engage with Reddit users. A recent experiment by M1 showed that community takeovers can drive three times more engagement than link ads. This experiment suggests that advertisers can make more engaging and interesting content by blending text ads with trending topics. For more details on advertising on Reddit, check out our complete guide.