Website Development
Working in website development not only means constantly learning new languages and knowing when to use them, but, it also means learning more about marketing, requirements gathering and human-computer interaction. Website development has transitioned from simple HTML-driven sites to fully interactive informational and ecommerce portals. HTML5, jQuery and node.js didn’t even exist a few years ago. Now they are a part of every project I do.
It has always been my goal to share web programming tutorials and offer suggestions on proper web design here on Web Development Blog. You’ll find articles on eCommerce Solutions, Google Services, jQuery Code, PHP Scripts and a variety of other topics.

What you’ll find in this section are conversations and ideas on website development that do not easily fit in one of the existing categories. We’ll talk about website design as a whole, website development tools, usability and running a website development company. As new technologies and programming languages emerge, we’ll talk about them here first.
Free Website development and Design Resources
There are a lot of free tools, graphics and web templates available on the Internet. We use this selection of resources from time to time.
- Freeimages, the leading FREE stock photo site! They offer thousands of photo’s from any subject, without watermarks and most of them are in high resolution. Unlike on most other photo sites, it’s allowed to use many of them for free even on commercial sites.
- Brands of the World, download vector logos and logotypes. It happens that you work on a project and you need a logo from some (bigger) brand for website or artwork. The image file you got is from bad quality and there is no one you can ask for a better version. Sounds familiar? Most of the times I found a vector version on Brands of the World and I was able to finish my work. Note, BotW is not a free clipart gallery, you need to ask the brand owner for permission before you can use a logo in your design.
- offers a lot of web templates from great quality. Using one of them can help to jumpstart a website project. They don’t offer a .psd file for the images.
If you search Google for web design resources, you will find a lot of content, graphics and tools. Some of them are free others are not, I’m sure that other designers are glad if they have inspired you. Don’t copy and paste someone else’s work because “it’s online”, this is illegal. Ask yourself how would you feel if some has copied your work without permission!